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Me Before You

Chapter 775

Anna, "..."

She just didn't expect that he still remember it.

"I blacklisted him at that time, and then added him back," Anna said with a guilty heart

Seeing Daniel Taylor's face getting cold, Anna took the initiative to sit beside him and hugged his arm, "I promise you that he will never talk about you again! I just discuss things about work with him, and he also knew Mr. Robert well. I can’t blacklist him like this, right?"

In this circle, Anna was only close to Chris. Because he was really good. At least, he wasn’t like some people who always have some bad thoughts and just by seeing her doing better, they wanted to slander her.

In this era, there are too many jealous people.

Daniel Taylor looked at Anna's sincere appearance, and the pupil of her eyes were indifferent. She looked at him so stubbornly that he compromised, "well, if you don't want me to go with you, I won't go."

Friends are very important, but Anna thinks that for Daniel Taylor, it's better to not go to see him.

Daniel Taylor immediately added another sentence, "but what benefits I will have?"

She looked at him in amazement, so did he agree? "What benefits do you want?"


"... do I need to guess?" Your eyes have already revealed everything, OK!

Daniel Taylor smiled, kissed her lips and said with a smile, "It’s good that you know."


Daniel Taylor lived in a spacious apartment in Shanghai. It was on the 26th floor. Just by standing near the window, you can see the whole river.

There was no servant, only Anna and he lived together.

In the morning, when Anna got up, Daniel Taylor had already gone to work. She heard the doorbell and went to open the door.

She saw Eliza standing at the door. Robert Peter asked his servant to send her here.copy right hot novel pub

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