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Me Before You

Chapter 776

He watched Anna eating with great pleasure and there was a feeling that he could not understand.

"Chris." Eliza looked at Chris and greeted him.

Chris knew Robert Peter. Robert Peter and Eliza was living in Shanghai, and he often met Robert Peter, so he knew Eliza.

He looked at Eliza eating this spicy food and said, "It's not good for stomach. Eat less spicy food."

"It’s delicious." Eliza can eat spicy food, which was due to Robin Johnson.

Robin Johnson wasn’t from Jingzhou, but he was influenced by Daniel Taylor and his taste was very strong. Therefore, he and his sister developed this taste.


After dinner, Anna took Eliza to visit Chris’s company.

As a colleague, Anna was surprised to see his company, "your company is so big!"

"Not much."

He had a very low profile.

Anna said with a smile, "general manager Christopher, now you owe me a very delicious dinner."

"You are always welcome, but I'm afraid you won't dare to come. Your man have a strict control over you, right?"

Chris knew that Mr. Taylor was very easy to be jealous in Anna’s case! Last time he went to Jingzhou, but he didn't dare to ask Anna for a meal.

Anna said, "He don't mind."

That sounded weird!

Anna didn't want to say how much she sacrificed last night in order to have a meal with him.

Anna sometimes felt particularly unfair.copy right hot novel pub

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