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Me Before You

Chapter 696

There were several doors in Johnson's house and Isabella Brown was standing in one of them.

Robert Peter got out of the car first, then reached out to the person in the car. Eliza, like a little girl, got out of the car.

Eliza was sick for two days and looked a little haggard, but standing beside Robert Peter, she laughed happily.

Mrs. Johnson didn't care about Isabella Brown and went directly to Robert Peter.

Eliza stood beside Robert Peter nervously and looked at Mrs. Johnson defensively. Mrs. Johnson was a little serious and Eliza was afraid of her.

"Hello, Mrs. Johnson." Robert Peter said.

"Please come in." Elizabeth Johnson was taken away by Robert Peter. After coming back, Robin Johnson told them everything. So it was no surprise to see Robert Peter at their door now.

The old chief was here today, sitting on the sofa with Mrs. Johnson, just like two big mountains, which made people gasp for breath.

Fortunately, the man in front of them was Robert Peter, not an ordinary man, "I'm here today to ask Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson’s consent to let Eliza marry me."

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