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Predestined Marriage

Chapter 599 Tomorrow at the Latest

Tim came out of the room and walked behind Leonardo. He followed Leonardo's gaze and then whispered, "Mr. Emerson?"

"Do you have a cigarette?" Leonardo turned to look at Tim.

Tim didn't smoke much, but he would always carry a pack of cigarettes with him.

He took out one pack from his pocket, drew one cigarette out and handed it to Leonardo.

Leonardo stuck the cigarette between his lips. Tim took out the lighter and bent down, ready to light it for him.

Leonardo frowned slightly and took the lighter over, "I can do it myself."

He flicked the lighter. The flame was shining.

Leonardo returned the lighter to Tim.

Tim then stood behind Leonardo. He did not move, nor did he speak.

Ever since Leonardo moved next to Stanley, he had spent most of his time standing there. No one knew what he was thinking.

Tim could feel that Leonardo was thinking about Summer.

However, Tim felt that Leonardo might be thinking about more than Summer. But Tim couldn't figure out that.

"When do you think Stanley will make his move?" Leonardo asked Tim abruptly.

Tim was stunned. He thought for a while and said with uncertainty, "Maybe soon?"

Leonardo took a deep breath of cigarette, and then put it between his fingers. He flicked the ashes off and said loosely, "Which day?"

"What do you think?" Tim understood what Leonardo was thinking.

When Leonardo asked, he kind of knew what the answer would be.

Tim bowed slightly and waited for Leonardo's reply. However, Leonardo fell silent.

When Leonardo finished smoking, he said, "Tomorrow at the latest, he will take action."

His voice was a bit throaty after smoking. His eyes darkened.

"Do you mean Stanley is going to take action as early as tonight?" Tim immediately understood.

"Then Mrs. Emerson...copy right hot novel pub

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