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Predestined Marriage

Chapter 320 Auntie, Can You Explain It?

Leonardo looked at these question marks and smiled.

He lightly tapped his long finger on the screen. "Go to sleep."

Summer read the two messages sent by Leonardo again and again.

They were only five words in total.

"Then call me tomorrow. Come back early. I'm going to bed."

Summer sent the message and only received two words from Leonardo. "Good night."

Leonardo put away his phone, took a shower, changed his clothes, and went to visit Violet.

He chose to come to Country M at night so that he wouldn't be discovered so quickly by Michael.

If he came to during the day, Michael would know that he had come to Violet because he didn’t show up in the company.

He rushed over overnight. Right now, Michael should already know that he had come to Country M. However, it would take more than ten hours by plane from Hoover City to Country M. Even if Michael wanted to come, he would arrive at least ten hours later.

Leonardo had more than ten hours to "talk" to Violet, so he wasn't in a hurry.

The hall was very quiet, and Violet was not there.

Leonardo asked the servant, "Where is Violet?"

The servant replied respectfully, "She is resting in her room."

Leonardo looked upstairs. Although he hadn't been to Violet's house for many years, he still remembered her room.

He went upstairs and walked to Violet's room. He raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Auntie."

There was no response in the room. Leonardo raised the corners of his lips and left without a smile.

After a long while, Violet came downstairs.

"Leonardo, long time no see." Violet said apologetically, "I was sleeping. I heard you calling me in a daze and thought I was dreaming."

"If you are tired, you can rest more."

Leonardo said in an indifferent tone without a hint of any emotions, but his gaze did not leave Violet.

Violet was uncomfortable with his gaze. She forced a smile, "It's OK. I'm not young and it is summer, so I always feel sleepy."

"Auntie, you must take good care of your health.copy right hot novel pub

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