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Me Before You

Chapter 813

"I don’t believe it."

Daniel Taylor noticed that she was jealous. He sat down and coaxed her, "why do I cheat you? I asked someone to introduce her as a trainee to an entertainment company. I didn’t do anything else. Later, she got popularity but it has nothing to do with me.

You also know about the Ashley family’s situation. They had sold a piece of land to the Taylor group and only because of this, they were targeted by the Browns. Alfred Brown just destroyed them to vent his frustration.

Now her mother is sick. She in the hospital and they really need money. She was willing to work anywhere, so I helped her."

However, the matter of Claire Ashley’s popularity has nothing to do with Daniel Taylor. He didn’t give her any extra favors.

Anna looked at Daniel Taylor, "Oh."

Her eyes were full of suspicion.

Daniel Taylor was afraid that she would misunderstood, he added, "What happened? You don’t even believe your husband? Moreover, places like the entertainment industry aren’t very clean. The audience see bright and beautiful faces but no one know what’s behind it. What do you say?"

Anna also admitted that the entertainment industry is a very complicated place, but this matter made her a little uncomfortable and she was unconvinced. She looked at Daniel Taylor and said, "I don’t care. I think you should compensate it for me!"

"What kind of compensation do you want?" Daniel Taylor asked.

"Take me out to eat some delicious food.copy right hot novel pub

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