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Me Before You

Chapter 778

Anna looked at the mobile phone, and the note she has given to him "Mr. Y".

She always felt that he was the only one in the world who only belonged to her.

But now she began to doubt the idea...

He is such a lofty person, does he really belongs to her?

Anna was indulged in her thoughts. When she regained her senses the phone had already hung up.

After a while, Daniel Taylor called again.

Anna stood up and went outside to answer the phone.

She did not speak and Daniel Taylor's gentle voice came from inside, "I came to your place, where are you?"

He was so busy that he just come to know that Anna also ate here.

Anna listened to his calm tone. She could no longer control the fire in her heart and her attitude was very indifferent, "we have had dinner, and now I am with Chris's friends. You can go back home."

"Where are you? I will come to pick you up?" Chris was her friend, but he was an opposite sex, Daniel Taylor can’t leave her alone with him at this time.

Anna didn't know from where her emotions come from. She recalled Claire Ashley's matter and then thought about today's events. Her tone was a little blunt, "You don’t need to. You are so busy, you should go back first, I can come back myself."

Daniel Taylor paused.copy right hot novel pub

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